23rd-24th August 2024. HMP Holme House Crossing. Adam Norman.

A group of us HMP Holme house and my father completed the walk in 17.5 hours.
Adam Norman
Keith Norman
( Other Completers to be Added ).
My father and I completed the walk in memory of my Auntie Ann and Auntie Sue who both passed away on the same hospice from Cancer. Which we are hoping to raise £1000 for Dove house Hospice in Hull.

The walk was something my father had wanted to do since he was 17 (he’s now 68). I am so proud of him and so happy we made the crossing together.

I don’t think you can explain how difficult it is, we started at 9pm, so walking through the night was hard work. But at least you couldn’t see the hills you had to climb in the first 8 miles or so.

Once the sun came up at Blakey ridge, just after breakfast, spirits were up and we could start the day.

The paths are hard, it’s really difficult to look up at any point, as if you do you tend to trip over a rock, like my dad did ! So felt that I looked at the ground most of the time.

I found the walk relentless, I never want to see heather again!
The up hill I liked the best as coming down hill was almost unbearable on my knees, but watching my dad walking in front off me, made me grit my teeth and crack on.

The miles and miles are never ending, and then you see the sea and the radio mast (that never gets closer!)
The last down hill before you start the climb to the end was awful. My dad was weak and watching him decent was worrying, but like the rest of the walk he took it in his stride and got on with the job in hand.

Once up the other side, the sun was shining, we had our last pit stop, I removed boots and put what felt like most comfortable trainers on in the world and we set off for the end.

The 10 of us walked as a group, we laughed, cried and whimpered. I was very proud that all 10 of us completed it.

Thank you to you all (and our 2 crew vehicles) for the best and worst 17.5 hours of my life.

This is one walk I will never forget and I’m so happy I got to do it with my dad.

Pictures of a very long day……………….