Crossing report for 21st July – 4 successes and all first-timers

In support of Motor Neurone Disease for research and the local Cambridgeshire group a team of 4 first time LWW attempts met with success both on the crossing and in fundraising where over £2500 was raised for MND. There was un unsuccessful walker we also supported and despite failure at the start of Wheeldale, he raised £550 for the Addenbrookes Kidney Patients Association.

They all set off together in the morning light at 04.57 at the LWW stone at Cod Beck and exactly 15 hours later they got to the finish stone at the end of Stony Marl Moor and Beacon Howe at 19.57.

Times for the sections were only notable as they got impetus near the end and flew across Fylingdales in under 2hours 30 mins. The weather was beautiful all day and the surfaces were dry for the most part. All the participants were first time walkers on the LWW and ranged in age from 59 to 69 – none of them had ever dome more than 30 miles before, so it was a great achievement.


Carol Deytrikh-White

John White

Jonathan Stafford

Tim Bryson






































Andrew Norton – Support.