Lyke Wake Walk (June 16th /17th 2018)

West to East Cutting Slightly North of the Lion Inn. Distance 38.72 miles, time 16h:44m.
Alex Alderthay
Andrew Laird
Malcolm Lummas

Malcolm Lummas:
This was my 4th attempt and 3rd successful completion of Lyke Wake Walk the last ones been in the early 90s. I found this one much harder, perhaps as its over 20yrs since my last crossing… What can I say other than knees not what they used to be..
Alex Alderthay:
This was my first attempt at the Lyke Wake Walk. Over the last few years I have done several trail running events on the North York Moors, starting with the Osmotherley Phoenix and then 6 or 7 Hardmoors events. The LWW seemed like the obvious next step and allowed me to see parts of the moors away from the Cleveland Way for the first time.
Andrew Laird:
I remember when I was little my Dad talking about his crossing and despite ending up waist deep in a bog, how much he had enjoyed it… Later in life our small group started talking about planning our crossing together, though talk was pretty much where it ended for some time… It wasn’t until my Dad’s wake in February and the fact we we’re all together for his funeral we decided to finally fix a date. Closest weekend to the 21st June that we were all free, to give us the longest day. This worked out to be 16th-17th June, Father’s Day which seemed strangely fitting. My Dad’s condolence card pictured below (he was 24 at the time).

As time marched on towards the date, while taking on the challenge predominantly for ourselves, it seemed like a potential missed opportunity if we didn’t at least try to do it for a good cause. One close to my heart and with a father son link being JDRF. Having nearly lost our youngest when he was just 1yr old to Type 1 Diabetes this seemed and obvious choice and to date the total raised has been £905 plus £166.55 Gift Aid.
After a few practice walks the day finally arrived and having discussed the need for a break at about the half way point we met up @ 7pm just north of the Lion Inn to drop off one of the cars, equipped with camping stove, bacon, buns and other items such as spare shoes, socks, water and anything else we may now need. Then back to Osmotherley ready for our start @ 8:20pm.

Having been fairly overcast with thunderstorms earlier in the day as we approached Carlton Bank the sky cleared just in time for the sun to set and what a view..!!!

By the time we reached Lordstones the sun had pretty much set and it was time to choose high path or low path. Given we’d only covered a few short miles and were all still fired up it had to be the high path, though I suspect if we had crossed East to West the opposite would have been the case and in hind sight the steps down at clay bank were not knee friendly.

Crossing the B1257 at around midnight it was at least now to our pit stop just north of the Lion for some 4am Bacon Butties and the sunrise…


After refuelling it was back on track though the pace started to slow as we hit the rocky terrain and the bogs. After a few slips and misplaced feet, it was clear no one was finishing with dry feet, and after passing the early warning station at Fylingdales the pace slowed further. With only three fully operational knees between us by this point it was slow going. Still we pushed on eventually touching the Ravenscar stone little after 1pm. Dry clothes, shoes and fish and chips awaited us with our ever supportive other halves…!!