Direction East to West : Date May 21st 2016

The gang of 6 (Myself, Sarah, Matthew, Megan, Andy and Jack) set of from Ravenscar around 12:20 a.m on Saturday 21st May. The weather was attrocious with driving rain causing walking conditions to be less than favourable.

We trundled across Stoney Marl moor in the pitch black, unfortunately the full moon was obscured by clouds adding to the difficulty, we lost our path a couple of times,
but with the help of gps assistance we didn’t veer very far from the path.

The path across Jugger Howe never fails to knock the stuffing out of you, and in the rain was all quite demoralising but we cracked on to Ellerbeck to meet up with our trusty support, I’m sure their was a strong urge within
the party to call it a day at that point, as we where thoroughly soaked to the skin, but given that the logistics of getting everybody back at the stage would be difficult so we cracked on towards
Hamer – missing out Wheeldale.

Once at Hamer, spirits where still ok, but we where thoroughly drenched, whatever level of waterproof protection we had was bypassed by the horizontal rain.
We stopped and replenished our food and water stores, and pressed on towards the Lion Inn. We made a brief water stop at Blue Man for the customary photographs, looking back
we just looked like a bunch of drowned rats. Underfoot from Blue Man was quite reasonable, a bit spoungy but ok.

Arrived at our half way stop just in time for some extra support from San and Colin, providing a well earned bacon sarny and a cup of tea.
It was also time for a clothes change as well – which did lift the spirits a bit, our wet clothes weighed a ton!!

It was at this point we took on a couple of extras, Vanessa who provided support for the 1st half and a seasoned Lyke Wake Walker, and Jacks
girlfried Phoebe, who had agreed to walk the second half to ‘egg us along’
The railway line gave some of us time to put the headphones on and grind this section out, while my daughter Sarah’s husband Michael had compiled questions on the
‘The Walking Dead’ to keep Matthew (aged 12) and Megan (aged 8) occupied.

On reaching Clay Bank the legs where feeling it a bit shakey, it wasn’t a time to sit to long, so once we where all together we had our refreshments and left for Carlton.
The weather had cheered up a bit, but we had the intermittent showers just to keep us in check, the kids where pointing out places
that I had already taken them on our walks, they knew it would be difficult but they like a challenge 🙂

Arriving at Carlton, the sun was out plenty of people milling about – it was quite a bit different to the first half!! My wife Carol was also their at this point making sure the
kids where fed and watered – it was great just to sit their, but I knew we had that final push through Clain Wood ending with the steep incline up
to the Bill Cowley stone at the top. When we reached that point we where a bit fragmented, but regrouped, paid our respects to Bill
and cracked on to Sheepwash.

When we eventually reached that stone, phew what a relief.


Time: Roughly 18.5 hours (It was never about the time)
Was it hard: Yes, probably the worst conditions I have come across.
Would I do it again: Of course I would, I’m the only one of our group who knows the way – and I get lost sometimes 🙂

Support: Vanessa, San, Colin and Carol
Walkers: Me, Sarah, Matthew, Megan, Jack, Andy, Vanessa and Phoebe

Well done everyone