Crossing Saturday 02/09/17 – Sunday 03/09/17

The Lyke Wake walk. East West route Ravenscar to
Osmotherly. Distance 42 miles, time 18 hours.

Richard Gunn. : Distribution and Self Service (organizer)
Rob Gunn. : ATM Delivery
Adrian Butterworth, ATM Delivery
Shaunne Hildred Zlotowski, ATM Delivery
John Paul Blackwell: Contractor
Steve Brown: ATM Delivery
Support Driver Tom Williamson: Distribution and Self Service

Walk to raise money for Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice.
The Hospice supports children with life shortening conditions and their families in West Yorkshire.
They support children and families in many different ways to make their lives
just a little bit easier. From offering respite to hydrotherapy, music therapy,
neonatal care, counselling or bereavement support; their care team supports the whole family both at their purpose built hospice in Huddersfield as well in
families own homes. We managed to raise £2,200 in sponsorship; with more to come in our Total will be over £5,000

We set of from Ravenscar beacon at around 23:40 Saturday and soon found ourselves off track. A quick correction and a fall into a hole jarring my back and we were away. Navigating across moorland and heather in the dark is no mean fete, but after several route corrections and sinking up to my knees in the marl, when crossing Stoney Marl, Moor. We carried on to Jugger Howes, and then after finding Lilla Howe cross in the dark, we eventually arrived at checkpoint 1. Eller Beck Bridge where Tom and the support vehicle was ready and waiting.

A quick bite to eat a change of socks and a dusting of talc, away we
went crossing Howl and Wheeldale Moor, Wheeldale Beck ravine and
the Roman road which we totally missed in the dark. We met up with Tom again on the Wheeldale road, by this time about 14 miles into the walk the injuries were starting to tell, and I was starting to doubt my ability to finish the walk, groin strain and old age was starting to tell. After a foot inspection and more Talc, we set off again on what was probably the worst stretch of the walk, over endless heather passing Blue Man- i- th Moss, stone. we were then onto endless bog, meeting up with Tom again at checkpoint 3 Hamer.
Re-supplied fed and watered administering to sore feet and blisters, we were of again over even worse endless bog, by which time we were hurting bad, John Paul was suffering from some of the worst blisters I’d seen in a long time, but we pushed on bravely to meet up with Tom at checkpoint 4, Rosedale head, with a direct view across the Rose Dale head to The Lion Inn at Blakey. Once we got to that point we would be over half way, and no turning back. Another foot check clean dry socks and a change of footwear we set off into a chill biting wind.
At this point, Tom set off and met up with us at the Fat Betty (White Cross) stone for an unscheduled stop and cups of tea. Brilliant, he was suddenly my new best friend.
Off again on probably the longest un-interrupted stretch of the walk, following the old railway line over High Blakey Moor and Farndale Moor to Bloworth Crossing. The line seemed to go on forever but at least we were now seeing other walkers coming the other way.
Leaving the line, climbing over Round Hill, our first real hill, and then a long descent down Urra Moor to Hasty Bank meeting up with Tom our trusty support. Only 9.5 miles left to do. 5 miles over Kirby Bank to the next checkpoint at Lordstones cafe, for another well-earned cup of tea. At this point we met up with Richard’s Family.
John, Richard and Robs Dad, accompanied us over the last 4.5 miles, passing through Huthwaite Green and Clain wood which included a heart-breaking accent up a very steep hill before reaching the cattle grid and road towards the finish.
By this time even Shaunne had lost her cheerful smile. The last few hundred yards to the car park and the end was in sight, or so we though. No, the LWW finish/Start stone was further on at the next car park. There was Tom our trusty support, waiting at the finish post with a bottle of champagne. We’d done it. No one had dropped out, even though they must have thought about it. Blisters, groin strain aching legs and feet, but most of all shear guts and determination. Hearty congratulations all round.
Well done to Richard Gunn. Rob Gunn. Adrian Butterworth, Shaunne Hildred Zlotowski, John Paul Blackwell, and me.
Not forgetting Tom Williamson, for doing a sterling job in support.

Yours sincerely
Mr. Stephen Brown