Crossing Report 18th June 2016

May I please take this opportunity to report a successful crossing that took place on Saturday 18th June 2016.

The day started at 0300 with an unwanted alarm clock. Everybody was collected from various points around Hemsworth, Fitwilliam, Grimethorpe (famous for Brassed Off) and South Elmsall. The start point at Osmortherly was left at 0535 hours, oh why did we leave such a beautiful place.

Some 14 hours later having crossed what I used to call the most glorious piece of country side this side of heaven we reached what can only be described as the most welcome site I have ever seen, a little stone with the words Lyke Wake Walk graffitied onto it by somebody that pre dated Banksey

This totally irresponsible quest was undertaken as a 60th birthday present to myself. (Note to self play tiddlywinks next year). It was also on a bucket list along with Route 66 and cruise down California’s highway 1. All 3 have been ticked there is a chance that 2 out of the 3 may be done again

Could you please advise what “steps” I take now to get the dustbin lid size medal that all successful crossers should receive. Also the name and address of the home anybody who even thinks of doing this walk should be committed to.

Yours in morning

Andy Hall