27 March 2010 – Tory Thornton

I would like to report our crossing of the Lyke Wake Walk (otherwise known as never again! and who’s idea was that?) on Saturday 27th March.

Back in December 2009, someone I’m not sure who decided that the Lyke Wake Walk would be a good way to prepare for our honeymoon, we are climbing Kilimanjaro in July 2010!

So the date was set for the 27th March for myself (Tory Thornton), Robin Moran (future husband) and 2 (soon to be ex friends) Neil Braim and Stuart Gall to set out and complete the Lyke Wake Walk.

After an early start (3am pick up) we arrive at the Youth Hostel at Osmotherly at 4am – and set off on the 3 mile walk to the start…!

We get to the start (the official start) and off we trot, it is a beautiful morning, watching the sun come up and seeing the beautiful scenery, its chilly, but we are all wrapped up (can’t see my face on any of the photo’s! Only my scarf and hat!).  We have an early break at about 11am in the Lion Inn, I don’t think a bacon sandwich and pint of coke ever tasted quite so good.  We are soon back on the road with mere 28 miles to go!!  All is going well, the steep down hill at 28 miles, starts to smart on the fairly young legs and we rest for our squashed sandwiches and mars bars!

We push on to complete the longest 10 miles of my life! At 7 miles to go, we meet a support party for a group of walkers who have just reached them….thank you so much for the bottles of Lucozade and sausages rolls…they really helped us on!
The ground was soft and the walking was hard and at 36 and a half miles, I was hurting, the boys are giving me the option to get picked up…no way…not coming all that way to stop now!  We were on count down, 1 mile to go, half a mile to go, 800 metres to go (I get stuck and almost loose my boot)….400 metres to go…still can’t see the finish (its too dark)….finally I see the headlights of my mums car (I have never been more pleased to see the silver fiesta!).

Our finishing time 16 hours and 28 mins!

What an experience, and please don’t take offence when I say, never ever, again!

Many thanks


Hi Tory,

Many thanks for your crossing report – the very first received by us in 2010. Well done to you and the lads for toughing it out in somewhat sticky conditions. But, a serious word of warning – many a report is received with the words “never again”. I can proclaim from bitter experience that the peat enters the body through ones skin, enters the bloodstream and slowly rots what remains of ones common sense. Invariably, I receive a report several months later admitting to a lapse in resolve………..a further crossing. Beware……………………………..
