Lyke Wake Crossing 15th June 2016 – Graeme Hirst

It occurred to me during the run-up to my walk that it might be fun to write a report in verse. In the end that’s taken longer than I’d hoped, and the straight prose version on the club website contains all (and more, perhaps !) of the details that might be useful/interesting for most people. But the light-hearted (or maybe not 🙂 ) verse version has now, with the invaluable help of my niece and God-daughter, gone live on YouTube   It’s just a bit of fun, of course, which I hope will excuse its occasional divergence from what actually happened on the day and will also excuse my truly dreadful mock-Yorkshire accent (despite my father having been born in Huddersfield and my step-father born and raised in Cottingham I never picked up even a smidgen of it !). The words are based, very loosely, on Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven and a few of the feebler jokes refer to that. I did make a bit of an effort with the costume though – I hope it looks suitably mournful and lugubrious !   Thanks again for the merchandise. My wife’s in the process of stitching the cloth badge onto my rucksack and I’ve worn the lapel badge several times already. It’s never failed to attract attention.