Swifty’s Lyke Wake Dirge

It seemed a good idea at the time
A Challenge to celebrate being fifty
A chat at work found a colleague’s wife “happy” to do it with me
So, we set off to join in the Lyke Wake Walk history.
Started in 1955, I know my Dad did it once as I have his tie
Wake means watching and Lyke means Corpse.
We were pleased we only had to watch for ourselves
And our
“Shimmering Shining Car”
We set off on Saturday (30.06.18) just before 4 (am)
Along and up and over and down to our
“Shimmering Shining Car”
First six miles done
Then we were joined by Cocoa (aka poop machine)
Five miles and 3 poop bags later and more up and over and down we came to our
“Shimmering shining Car”
and so, our day repeated.
The next nine miles the main discussion was what we were going to have for lunch when we got to the
“Shimmering Shining Car”
Five miles past “Fat Betty” covered in snacks, over the “boggy” bit that was quite dry, to our
“Shimmering Shining Car”
Next nine miles walking against the flow of D of E ers, bronze, silver and gold some sad, some happy, some we could hear for miles to our
“Shimmering Shining Car”
Next six miles no idea what went wrong as took us an extra hour on top of what book said to get to our
“Shimmering Shining car”
Last two miles yahoo was covered in typical time with the motivation of “Leeds train station pace”
To finish at the Lyke Wake Stone and our
“Shimmering Shining car”
In 15 ½ hours with morning mist clearing up to sun with a slight breeze- perfect conditions.
(massive thank you to Mel – driver of the “Shimmering Shining Car” (our support vehicle) and to Zen for her companionship and to Coco the dog (aka poop machine) for her contributions !!!)
Witch Chris Swift.