Who Needs Sleep Anyway: Cathy Staniforth

I completed the Lyke Wake Walk starting yesterday in just under 24hrs.  After driving nearly 7 hours from Tywyn, Wales with no sleep!

I was going to set off at 0200 but on reaching the start marker I realised my ear phones weren’t working so I sorted that out before starting proper at 0213 finishing at 0206 (I started Outdoor Active at 0204 but paused it when I realised the issue and went back to the car that dropped me off)  My watch I started at the correct time of 0214 but it died so I can’t use the stats from that.

My partner dropped me off then I completed it alone unsupported so I carried everything!

Even at 0200 it was hot, I wore just a t-shirt the whole walk.

My favourite part was Lordstones to Claybank.  It was just beautiful.  I had the moon on one side and the sun on the other.  

The ground was stony and painful.  So the boggy section was welcomed!! (The truly awful boggy section I avoided thanks to Rory’s directions).  But it was spongey and a delight.  It also brought some interest as it was getting quite tough just walking.

There was also a meadow type section which was just bliss on my feet.

I knew I’d be slower than when I did it in 2021 with a group (the then Yarm walkers with Rory Stephen) at about 17 hours as I’m not as fit and I was solo but I’d forgotten just how tough it was.

There were lots of grouse.  Everywhere!! I’ve has a run in with a grouse before where it attacked me.  No one believes me but I had a witness.  So  I was a bit on edge when they kept appearing suddenly in large groups!!

Darkness meant it was cooler but navigating even with Outdoor Active (I had back up paper maps) was tricky as the paths weren’t clear and the down section at the end was slightly terrifying (I just went down on my bum!)

I was so glad to reach the stone at the end.  It did take me a long time but the sense of satisfaction is amazing!!  I didn’t enjoy the 1.5 + miles back to my car! However it was a nice smooth road so that was nice!!


Start Lyke Wake Marker  0213 (0 miles)

Lordstones  0515 (5.7miles)

Claybank 0718 (9.3 miles)

Bloworth Crossing 0929 (12.7 miles)

The Lion Inn Blakey 1153 (18.2 miles)

Hamer (I think!) 1619 (26 miles)

Wheedale Road 1923 (30.6 miles)

Ellerbeck Railway Crossing 2137 (33.8 miles)

A171 Road Crossing 0120 (40.1 miles)

Finsh Lyke Wake Marker 0206 (41.4)

So 2 nights without sleep, blisters aches and pains!! But smiling!!

I am already a member as I complete in under 24 hours in 2021 but I just wanted to report this solo crossing.  It certainly wasn’t quick buy I did it!

Kind regards

Catherine (Cathy) Staniforth