Crayke Challenge 7th – 8th July 2018
‘Crayke Challenge 2018’ to do the Lyke Wake Walk and raise some money for a charity (I had a back injury and until April 2017 I had been on crutches for nearly 3 years – The challenge being to get fit enough to do the walk) So with the help of friends doing lots of training walks with me we got there!
Our group consisted of:
Iain Pocklington
Dean Fielding
Rick Havely
Pete Walsh
Dianne Wright
Joe Wright
Ellie Powlton
Yasmin Powlton
Alex Lynas
Walkers who joined for a section were Vicky Barker and Eloise Pocklington
We had a back up crew of Carol Powlton, Ian Wilson and Phil Lynas.
We set out at 7pm on Saturday 7th July on a beautiful summers evening. Over Lordstones the sun began to set and it was a beautiful sunset.

We made our first check point at 10.40 at Chop Gate. Leaving there after 11.30 we had a very easy crossing to Blakey – head torches were needed as it was dark but we all wore Hi Viz vests too which helped. We arrived at Blakey pub
at 3am (Unfortunately it was shut!) so we made our way to our next checkpoint round the top of Rosedale Head before the boggy section (which was actually really dry) He we had some support walkers join us to rally morale! We had a short stop after the bogs – planned incase we needed to change boots if wet! Our next section to Eller Beck was when it was really starting to get hot in the sun we arrived here about 10.30 and left after a serious hydration stop about 11ish. By 12.15 in the very hot conditions we could see the pylon from Lilla Howe . Because it was so hot we put in an additional check point on the Whitby Scarborough road we made it to the end at 3.20pm on Sunday 8th July. We have raise over £1000 and still getting money in for Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
