Spring Wake Saturday 19th March 2022, Swan House, Trenholme Bar
The 2022 Wake, being the first post-Covid-19, was held on Saturday 19th March 2022 at Swan House, Trenholme Bar Northallerton. No description here, it’s all in the captions of the gallery of photographs taken that evening. Click any picture to scroll through larger versions of the pictures.
Ian and Tom plotting…………………..Dave, Ian and Tom. Quiz in Progress.Lynn, Edwin and David stumped by the quizDirgers and Witch in serious thoughtNick, Penny and Martin doing quizRachael, Stephen and LucyQuiz PrizesMore deep thoughtFar too happy for a WakeDavid partaking in “Wake Yoga”Ian ………………..!Gerry in “Full Waffle”Gerry after too much food“Wake debris”……………The Dirge being slaughteredThe Dirge being slaughtered some moreIt never stops……………. The cats have long left by now.Quiz Prize Winners. Rachael and Stephen.Tom announcingTom giving prize to Julie