
The ‘new’ Lyke Wake Club awards degrees to those who have made multiple crossings of the North York Moors and exhibited a knowledge of moorland skills and the ethos of the club. It also recognises degrees awarded by the old club which closed down on 1 October 2005.

These degrees, which are set out in section 7 of the Rules, may be conferred upon candidates considered by the Council (or its appointees) to meet the following criteria:

Master/ Mistress Of Misery

Complete three crossings, one in the reverse direction and demonstrate by inquisition an appreciation of the ethos of the Club and a knowledge of moorland skills. (Neckbands: black)

Doctor of Dolefulness

Complete four more crossings. The total seven crossings to include a winter crossing (between 1st December and 29th February) and an unsupported crossing. Also to present a Doctoral Thesis on a learned subject relevant to the ethos of the Club. (Neckbands: black and purple)

Past Master / Past Mistress

Complete fifteen crossings and perform services to the Club recognised as exceptional by the Council. Be considered capable of finding the way across any moor by day or night, whether drunk or sober without map or compass. (Black and purple boutonniere)

Purveyor of Purgatory

The 2006 Annual Wake agreed in principle to establish a further degree of Purveyor of Purgatory. This would be awarded to the leaders of parties who had successfully completed at least three crossings with proper regard to safety and to the fragile environment of the North York Moors.